

12 t/m 20 juni 2021
Kunstschouw, Zeeland
see: www.kunstschouw.nl

Vensterbank expositie in de wijk Dalhuizen in Velp, Gelderland


January, Febuary and March 2020 (Extended untill end of June)
Hagenau medical centre,
Wilhelminaweg 80aa, Dieren
Photo’s from different series

January 19th – March 15th
Group exhibition: Gefundenes Fressen
Nieuwe Ruimte, Velp

November 18th till December 29th 2019,
Double Exposure, exhibition of Photo’s from series:
Food for Thought and Claire de Lune in the Transformatie Bode ruimte.
Van Oldenbarneveldtstraat 90, Arnhem.
Visits by appointment only, info@colinwilson.eu


September 2019, Colin Wilson and Ann Glynn
Artists of the month and the start of the exhibition:
“Plekken van plezier” De Nieuwe Ruimte
Den Heuvel 32, Velp, NL

September 28th and 29th, Art@deTransformatie
Open weekend at de Transformatie
Van Oldenbarneveldtstraat 90, Armhem, NL

Solo exhibition: ONE
Lokaal 1, Oranjestraat 36, Velp
From 18th till 26th of May 2019